domingo, 17 de julho de 2011

Soccer Scandal Tarring D-Will's New Team as Officials Are Jailed


Besiktas, the Istanbul sports club that signed Deron Williams on Friday, is embroiled in a nationwide game-fixing scandal that has already led to the jailing of a top club official and its soccer coach.  According to at least one report, the club's finances have been frozen, prohibiting it from signing any other NBA stars.

Although it's uncertain how any of this will affect Williams (and FIBA has yet to approve his contract), the scandal is taking a toll on Turkish sports.  According to various reports, an Istanbul court has jailed 26 people including the chairman of Bojan Bogdanovic's team, Fenerbahce, as well as Williams' Besiktas.


Manu Ginobili Lou Williams Michael Jordan Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Magic Johnson

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